The first step to getting a good mix in Finale is using dynamic markings in the score that you think will give good results when the score is being read by musicians. An instrument may include more than one staff (e.g a piano grand staff). These include staff properties (staff name, transposition, clef, etc.), playback sound, channel, and other settings. Player Options: Effects, Instrument In terms of the Finale interface, an instrument refers to the collection of settings for each row listed under the Instrument column of the ScoreManager.The result of sonic recording and processing Window The process of adjusting relative sound levels, processing and placement within a sonic realm 3. Collection of individual tracks or parts 2. Dynamics The relative loudness or softness of an element of piece of music, indicated by symbols, or controlled by MIDI values

Score A written representation of a piece of music, including the notation for all parts of an ensemble.We’ll explore tools and methods used to create the best possible result. Finale is capable of creating presentable demo A recording created to preview the content of a show or song.