Key in the domain or IP address to exclude and click Add.Note that when the number of users in your environment exceeds the number of users allowed by the license key, GFI MailEssentials continues working for a 30 day grace period. For more information refer to Managing local users. Navigate to Email Security > HTML Sanitizer and select Domains\IP exclusions tab. GFI MailEssentials counts the total mailboxes/email addresses, depending on the environment.To manage domains\IP exclusions in the HTML Sanitizer Whitelist: The exclusion list also accepts domains, resolves the domains’ MX records and (optionally) checks the SPF record to get IP addresses. If the IP address from where the email originated (the one which sent to the perimeter server) is an IP listed in the Domains\IPs exclusions tab or resolved from a domain in the same list, then the email is not processed by HTML Sanitizer.

If the domain doesn’t have an SPF record, the SPF part is ignored and only the MX records are used. Optionally, you can choose to have the SPF record of the domain queried.By default, the feature queries the MX records of the domain being processed.This will not simply use an IP address list it can also support domain addresses, which are then resolved at runtime, so that all the IP addresses for the domain in question are obtained. The HTML Santizer Domain\IP Exclusions feature enables administrators to specify IP addresses or domains to exclude from HTML Sanitizer. To remove an entry from the HTML Sanitizer whitelist, select an entry and click Remove.