With our unique 3-touch Verse Chooser, you can navigate quickly and easily to the exact the app verse you want. Your library, notes, highlights and all of Bible Study features are stored on your device so that you have full functionality when you are offline or in airplane mode. With our one-of-a-kind Resource Guide, you can perform powerful searches through your entire Library of Bibles, the app commentaries, the app dictionaries, and more. Sync your this app resources, bookmarks, notes, Scripture verse highlights, and book ribbons between any device with the app+. makes this even better than my favorite printed the app." - iPad user "I love Bible Study! The direct linking to reference material, notes, bookmarks, etc. "I feel confident investing in the app+.". "I highly recommend you give the app+ a try.". If you like to highlight the app verses, take notes, bookmark passages and have everything sync to all your devices, then this is your this app App. Designed for deeper this app, join over 4 million users on “The this app App.” Learn from great scholars through thousands of resources including commentaries, maps, and dictionaries all available off-line. *The (8.5 font size) KJV Dake Bible is replacing the Compact Bible.Discovering the right Reference app for your needs is hard, which is why we are happy to give you Bible Study from HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc. Sample Pages (print at 100% to see text in actual size):

8.5 point type for KJV and commentary notesīurgundy Bonded Leather ISBN: 9781558291805.Summaries of each book of the Old and New Testaments.Symbols marking promises, commands and messages from God.New layout with 2 columns for KJV text and 3 columns for study notes.There is also a complete summary at the conclusion of each book and over 500,000 helpful cross chain references for study. Plus, there are more than 8,000 outlines for sermons and the definitions of key Hebrew and Greek words are included. There are 9,000 headings to divide the text and 35,000 commentary notes. There is a complete concordance that lists every Bible word. The words of Christ are in red, and Old Testament and New Testament Questions are found at the end of each section. The Standard Dake Bible you’ve loved for years, now in a Standard * size! Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible contains the Old and New Testament of the authorized or KJV Text and is laid out with three columns on each page-it’s the same layout you’ve come to know and love from our Compact and Large Print Bibles.